Ots Forum
Zapraszam na nowy OTS pod Tibie 8.6. Start 13.07.2012r.
General Status
Server Status Online
Players Online 1
Server Uptime 23h 11m
Monsters on Map 41144
NPC's on Map 409
Frag System
White Skull Time 10 minutes
Red Skull Time 1 days
Black Skull Time 2 days
Daily Frags to Red Skull 30
Weekly Frags to Red Skull 250
General Rates
1 50 600x
51 100 300x
101 130 100x
131 150 50x
151 170 25x
171 190 15x
191 200 10x
201 250 8x
251 300 5x
301 350 3x
351 - 2x
Skill 25.0x
Magic 15.0x
Loot 2.5x
Spawn 3x
General Informations
World Type open
Client Version 8.6
Free Houses 1234
Last joined Blaszki
Best Player Furius (8)
Banned accounts: 0
Accounts in database: 347
Players in database: 390
Guilds in databese: 31
[u]Free Points Informations
Advance to 200 lvl 150 points
Advance to 250 level 200 points
Other informations
Bank System Enabled
Guild halls Disabled
Level to create guild 8
Normal Kick Time 15 minutes
Trainers Kick Time 24 hours
PZ Lock 45 seconds
Protection Level 90
Level to buy house 100
TASK SYSTEM - 35 tasków.
Blue Legs Quest
Banshee Quest
Pits of Inferno
Behemoth Quest
Yalahari Quest
The Elemental Sphere Quest
Demon Helmet
Inquision Quest
Demon Oak Quest
Golden Helmet Quest
Glatia Quest
Rare Shield Quest
Firewalker Boots Quest
Titan Creature Quest
Bone of the Creature
Hidden Master Quest
Helmet of the Ancient
Svargrond Arena
Addon Doll Quest
I wiele, wiele innych...
1. Helior
2. Unera # Tanera
3. Enora
4. Vengria
5. Thore
6. Bartia
7. Daroshia
8. Astama
9. Ghenov
WBIJ 13.o7.12r. o godzinie 17